Resolution Magic






Welcome to the home of Resolution Magic.
The book is now available as a hard copy with a CD, or an e-book with an MP3.   More information
Discover a series of techniques that you can learn and use on many occasions in the future.
If you have physical or psychological symptoms, Resolution Magic will explain how you can reduce them until they disappear.
If you have a chronic condition, it may take several months, minor symptoms may take only a few weeks.
Read the case histories of others who have used the Resolution Magic programme for many different conditions. If your symptom is not on the list, it does not matter, as the therapy can be tailored to deal with any symptom.
How can this be true? Can almost all symptoms respond to Resolution Magic techniques? Read the section on ‘Neurological Wave Theory‘, and you will discover a different explanation of how symptoms develop.
Resolution Magic is a programme to reduce symptoms until they disappear. This programme was developed by me, Olivia Roberts, modelled on my own experience. The story of the  development of the programme with full instructions, are all in the book, ‘Chronic Pain and Debilitating Conditions Resolution – Make Unwanted Symptoms Disappear’ published by Findhorn Press.
Resolution Magic – for working on unwanted feelings, or physical symptoms.
You may have been told that you should ‘manage your symptoms’. In other words, live with your symptoms.
The book explains how I reduced my symptoms until they disappeared. You can learn how to do it too.
Resolution Magic is a programme that aims to gradually reduce unwanted feelings and physical symptoms until they completely disappear. Although results do vary, you will discover how to reduce your symptoms, change unwanted feelings, and get your life back!
The programme begins by re-educating the nervous system, and continues to reduce all of the factors that contribute to your unwanted feelings or symptoms.
One of the contributing factors is unwanted feelings e.g. self-consciousness, nervousness, dread, fear, sadness, phobias, overwhelm.
Another factor is the effect of unpleasant past experiences.
You can also work directly on physical symptoms e.g.  pain, nausea, vertigo, indigestion, cystitis.
See the list of over 100 physical and psychological symptoms in the side-menu.
And it’s all done by simple techniques and mental exercises.

Olivia Roberts 1



Olivia Roberts, author of the book, ‘Chronic Pain and Debilitating Symptoms Resolution: Make Unwanted Symptoms Disappear’.
Discover all about the development of the Resolution Magic Programme, and step-by-step instructions in the book.  
Begin your own programme today!


Olivia Roberts MPNLP SQHP
MPNLP = Master Practitioner of NLP.    SQHP – Senior Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice.
Olivia Roberts – now living in  France. tel 0033 545 300 387


Welcome to Resolution Magic - a programme of mental exercises to make unwanted feelings and physical symptoms disappear!  This book will lead you step by step through your own tailored programme. Address all of your issues.

New to Resolution Magic?  This 25-minute Resolution Magic clients’ video (just click on the screen above) features past clients, and also Olivia’s own theory – The Theory of Neurological Wave Syndrome.

 The mind controls the way we feel, and every action of the body. There is so much to do, and the only way all of this can be achieved is by creating a sequence for every task, and then storing it.

Everything you feel, and every physical symptom too, is at the end of a stored sequence. Resolution Magic will teach you how you can change sequences, in other words, how you can change the way you feel, or any unwanted physical reaction or symptom.

This set of tools, the mental exercises of Resolution Magic, are skills for life, so that no matter what has happened to you, or what happens in the future, you can change the effect it has on you.

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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.

Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.

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