Case Study – Migraine: Louise

disclaimer: results may vary

Louise had suffered from migraine like her mother had done, from a very early age.  In her childhood, migraine had been a rare occurrence, but now, as an adult, Louise was finding migraine attacks were happening almost weekly.  Having two small children was making life hectic but manageable, but migraine was spoiling too many days.

Louise began the Migraine Resolution Programme in the summer of 2005.  While the children slept soundly upstairs, we worked on into the evening setting everything in place. Finally, Louise rehearsed the routine she was going to do when the next migraine attacked.

On a weekly basis, I telephoned Louise, and there were simply no more migraine attacks!  This went on for a very long time, and I just reminded Louise what to do, in case she had forgotten her routine if a migraine eventually began.

The following May, six months after her initial Resolution session, Louise was sitting in a headmaster’s office, discussing her son’s entry into the school.  A shaft of sunlight caught her eye, and unexpectedly began a migraine.  Instantly, Louise began her routine, inside her head.  The migraine held off, and subsided.

There may be other migraine ‘challenges’, but Louise is confident that as long as she is diligent, and remembers the routine, she will remain clear of migraine.  This has remained the case up to the present time.

In April 2008 Louise’s mother began the Resolution Magic Programme in Adelaide, Australia.
