Should I interfere with my symptoms or my medication? ANSWER
Why not just use drugs? ANSWER
Underlying serious disease?
Answer - You may be worried in case your symptoms are the result of an underlying serious disease. Discuss any new symptoms with your doctor before you begin Resolution Magic. Be reassured, if you begin to use a programme to reduce a symptom, it will not make any underlying serious disease worse. ’If it does no good, it will do no harm’.
How Can I Do This? ANSWER
Questions about the book or the programme
Q My daughter is moving home, and she is having an attack of ulcerative colitis. She is taking medication which she uses whenever she has an attack. I have read your book, and I would love to help her, but I don’t really know quite where to begin. Can you help? ANSWER
Q I have been listening to ‘A New You’ to help me to resist eating the wrong food. At first, it seemed to help, but now I find I am slipping back into my old ways. I was subject to abuse as a child, and I am wondering if this could have anything to do with it. Can you help? ANSWER
Q I bought your book and CD 2 weeks ago mainly for help with daily headaches for many years. I have listened to the CD and I am doing active sessions every 2 hours and there has been an improvement. I have however more problems (insomnia, restless legs, fatigue and hot flushes) I also have high BP and under active thyroid which I take medication for and it is under control. I would be grateful for your advice on when and how I tackle my other problems, whilst still doing active sessions for my headaches. Thank you for any help you can give me. ANSWER
Q I have just received the book & CD. Do I have to go back to a good place as in the carpet exercise after the Go away ie every time I say, ‘Go Away’?
Answer - When you are repeating the words ‘Go Away’ over and over, you don’t have to visualise anything at all at any time – no visualisation about the ‘good place’ or the magic carpet.
You don’t need to relax afterwards either, just step forward and get on with your day.
Q Do I need all the Cd’s for working with changing the effects of past experiences? I just wanted to know this before I sent for them all.
Answer - You may not need any of the CDs for working with past experiences, as you can learn the words and say them to yourself. However, if you would like to have just one so that you can learn from it, then just order the ‘Changing Effects of Past Experiences – Standard’ CD.
Q I have a sharp pain, and then I pounce on it – but it is always too late – it’s gone.
Answer - There is a different routine for these sharp spikes of pain like fireworks or sparks. I used to get them in my hands and more so in my feet. After every spike, I immediately pounced on it and said ‘Go Away’, just like you are doing. And gradually they have disappeared, so it is the right thing to do. Keep a record on your chart of days when you experienced a sharp pain, so that you can see how long it has been since you had one when they begin to disappear.
From time to time, even these days, I get the odd spark like that, and I still pounce on it. I might get just a single one every 6 – 12 weeks.
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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.
Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.