If you are a practising, experienced, hypnotherapist with a yearning to help people with chronic conditions, why not sign up for a Resolution Magic Apprenticeship?
Working as a Resolution Magic Associate with your own clients, under the tuition of Olivia Roberts, you will build up the expertise in Resolution Magic techniques, and the medical knowledge about each chronic condition with which you work.
How long is the apprenticeship? Your confidence will grow from the very first client. You will be receiving guidance for every step of the way. As you incorporate Resolution Magic into your practise, you will soon be enjoying competence in dealing with any unusual symptoms or conditions that come along.
Access to your tutor does not ‘end’. You will always be able to discuss future client cases with other Resolution Magic Practitioners, and your tutor, to share good practise and continually learn.
Recording client case histories is an essential part of Resolution Magic Practise.
Each client case history consists of a list of current and past symptoms and conditions, including details of past treatments (successful and unsuccessful).
The client history will also describe personal history, including past traumas.
Each client will record their own progress using the Resolution Magic VAS (Visual-analogue-scale) charts, which will become part of the case notes.
The client notes will also contain completed descriptions of all therapy techniques used, and an analysis of efficacy.
You will be required to complete a number of different types of conditions including :-
a. psychological conditions, such as OCD, depression, PMT Pre-menstrual tension), anger management.
b. physical conditions, such as Menière’s Disease, Reynaud’s Disease, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), migraine, chronic fatigue etc.
If you would like to know more, please contact Olivia Roberts via the contact page.