Hip Pain, Coxalgia

The medical name for this pelvic ache is coxalgia, but it is rarely used.  There isn’t any need to use so many medical terms, in my opinion, when they are simply names for neuralgic pain in different parts of the body, or aches & pains.

Many people, especially women, suffer from aching around the pelvic area.  It can centre on the base of the spine, or wrap itself around the pelvic girdle.  Sometimes it is difficult to ever feel comfortable, and for others, it is a grumbling ache that is relieved on sitting or lying down.

Endometriosis can also be the ’cause’ for this dull to searing pain.  Whatever the ‘reason’, Resolution Magic will still do a good job.

Occasionally, it escalates into searing pain, a real sciatica, for a miserable few days or weeks.

I believe this can be a pre-cursor for arthritis of the hip.

Resolution Magic ‘maintenance’ exercises keep it away.  I have been using these myself for these last two years, and my once ‘awkward’ hip that used to feel almost dislocated when I stood up sometimes, is now feeling much stronger.  I rarely feel any of the old ‘slight’ ache and I feel as though the strength is coming back into the ligaments.


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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.

Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.