Here is my guidance on IBS and its related symptoms and conditions. You will see how the Theory of Neurological Wave Syndrome connects all of these together, and why I believe Resolution Magic can help all of these symptoms and conditions.
Symptoms of IBS :-
Abdominal Pain
The abdominal pain of Irritable Bowel Syndrome or ‘inflammation of the bowel’ depends precisely where the neurological wave strikes. It may be a sharp pain, or it may be a more dull pain spread over a larger area.
If you get a pain followed by flatulence, you may think, as I once did, that the pain is caused by the flatulence, because it seems to be relieved on passing wind.
I now believe the pain is due to a neurological wave, not the flatulence. It is quite possible to have flatulence without pain. What really causes the pain is when the wave of electricity hits the bowel. The reaction of the bowel a few moments later is to start a wave of peristalsis. This could be what causes the bowel to move some ‘un-ready’ food to the next chamber, causing the production of gas.
When your intestine receives a blast of electricity, it reacts by increasing peristalsis (unless it is towards the end of the bowel; then it contracts tightly – see constipation). If the food is not yet ready for the next stage of digestion, gas is produced in the next chamber.
You may simply suffer from bloating – all on its own, or in combination with other symptoms.
There are hormones that simultaneously slow down peristalsis when we are in a perilous situation, and makes our heart beat faster and we get ready to fight, or take flight!
If peristalsis should slow down when people are busy or under stress, why do some people get diarrhoea?
The answer is because some people also have a wave of electrical activity that hits a different part of the bowel at the same time, overriding the effect of any hormones, and causing urgent peristalsis.
Even if the large bowel is still ‘holding on’, causing constipation, the evacuation impulse takes place in the small bowel further up in the intestinal tract, and the diarrhoea by-passes the constipation. It’s amazing – you can have diarrhoea and constipation at the same time!
Some people have diarrhoea like this before exams, and some have it before giving a presentation.
The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Attack
Irritable Bowel Syndrome is often experienced as a selection from a range of symptoms. An attack usually begins with a feeling of discomfort from the abdomen or higher up, just below the stomach, in the duodenum.
Some people feel pain, but others feel more of an ache. The pain can be searing pain, causing some people to have to crouch or sit down. It usually subsides after a few minutes. Shortly afterwards, there is usually flatulence and/or diarrhoea. For many people, once they have emptied their bowels several times, their system settles down.
Some people also experience other symptoms, like the terrible migraine headache. This can happen very suddenly, like a bolt from the blue. Just for a moment, it is just like having a stroke (cerebral haemorrhage).
Often IBS people also suffer waves of panic. This feeling can herald the beginning of an attack, it can feel just like ‘something flips inside’. Some describe it as a feeling of ‘butterflies’ but much amplified. This is then followed by other symptoms of anxiety – palpitations or breathlessness, even to the point of bringing on an asthma attack.
Migraine sufferers sometimes have symptoms of IBS
Conversely, some migraine sufferers experience abdominal pain and/or diarrhoea as symptoms of a migraine attack. Some temporary change in bowel movements is common for migraine sufferers.
The official view
In the medical profession, IBS has not been officially directly linked to migraine, although a few clinicians have suspected it because they have noticed that these two conditions seem to appear concurrently. A recent study showed that migraine sufferers were more likely to have IBS at some stage in their lives.
Neurological activity can move from one area to another
One of the exercises in the Resolution Magic Programme involves chasing symptoms away. Once under-way with the Resolution Programme, people with migraine are able to chase their neurological wave out of the head, and it has often moved to a different place, like the neck, the shoulder, and quite often, the abdomen.
One client chased the migraine out of her head for a few minutes, then her bowel for a few minutes, alternatively. It was like a game of cat and mouse for a short while – until it gave up!
Can emotions instigate IBS?
IBS is a very common condition. The bowel is easily influenced by our emotions. One person may find that they have diarrhoea before exams, yet not at any other time. Another person may respond to being bullied at work by having constipation. Any stressful situation may be accompanied by a change in bowel habit.
Even in a de-stress situation, people may notice a change and some people blame an altered bowel habit on the ‘change of water’ when they go on holiday.
When ‘normal’ everyday occurrences begin to influence bowel habits in a distressing way, causing pain, flatulence, bloating and urgent diarrhoea, it can become debilitating. This is the condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
What if different types of food are causing the problem?
To a certain extent, there may be some foods that are not tolerated by your system. Resolution Magic allows you to discover how far you can reintroduce these foods. Some people have found they cannot tolerate wheat every day – but when they use the programme they can tolerate it at regulated levels, perhaps once a day, or three times a week.
Medical terms for irritation and inflammation of the bowel
There are many medical terms used for irritation or inflammation of the bowel. They are all caused by over-reactions of the bowel to emotions, together with reactions to some food types.
IBS – related conditions
There are many different parts to the intestines, and any part can be affected by neurological waves and eventually become inflamed. They are given different names, but I believe they are usually caused by Neurological Wave Syndrome.
Rings of muscles that create peristalsis (the wave of contraction that pushed food through the digestive tract) lie parallel to each other all the way down through the bowel. When the bowel becomes over-full, the rings are pushed further apart. Food can then begin to compact in between the rings, and form huge pouches of food material. When the bowel ‘catches up’ with itself, these pouches empty normally. However, sometimes these pouches become inflamed. Perhaps they are objecting to the gluten inside the pouches, or it has been suggested they have an adverse reaction to too much red meat.
Diverticulitis is the term given to inflammation of the diverticuli. Drugs are sometimes prescribed to calm the inflammation, but a change in the diet could also help. The Resolution Programme may help people with diverticulitis to allow their systems to relax, and then return back to normal.
Frequent/Daily Diarrhoea
Many people suffer from inconvenient diarrhoea, and this may be the only symptom. It may not be unduly worrying, because it is linked to certain situations, like exams, late nights, or social occasions.
However, knowing that the inconvenience will happen only in these situations does not really make it any better.
Other people suffer terribly from daily diarrhoea, and this can affect the general health. The large bowel absorbs iron and other minerals, and this requires the stools to remain in the bowel for a little time.
People suffer from constipation often as a result of being intimidated or afraid, finding themselves in strange or disorientating circumstances, or facing a new challenge, like exams! Children often get in their first days at school, and many people find they are constipated when they go into hospital for an operation. Some nurses may believe that almost everyone in the world must be constipated because everyone that goes in for an operation or treatment seems to be constipated!
People who suffer from constipation are usually advised to eat more roughage. Some often end up sprinkling bran on to everything they eat, (as I once did) and they are distressed because they are still not going to the toilet. When I suggest they avoid all extra roughage when they are constipated, people are horrified! They believe they will never ever go to the loo again unless they eat huge quantities of roughage.
Part of the remedy for constipation has to involve the removal of anxiety factors. Resolution goes one step further by re-educating the system to ignore anxiety factors.
Crohn’s disease
The dictionary describes Crohn’s as a condition where parts of the intestine become inflamed, and then ulcerated. The area this affects can be the terminal part of the ileum, and the symptoms can seem like appendicitis. Other areas can have inflammation, and there can be symptoms of malabsorption of nutrients.
Crohn’s is generally differentiated from IBS in that it involves some inflammation and ulcers, whereas IBS is generally regarded as simply ‘irritation’ of the bowel.
Really, what we are seeing here, as with all of these different terms, is an area of the bowel that is receiving Neurological Waves of electricity that are causing electrocution, pain, and ultimately, tissue damage. The stronger the waves, the worse the condition.
After a long time, there is often so much damage that a part of the bowel is removed. As a result, a colostomy bag is used to collect stools.
Ulcerative Colitis
Inflammation and ulceration of the large intestine that causes bleeding into the rectum is identified by blood in the stools. I believe that Neurological Waves are the cause of the inflammation of the bowel here too.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
This is defined as “an absence of other diagnosis”. Clients MUST have consulted a GP to eliminate any serious problem before they begin the IBS Resolution programme. Ovarian cancer can appear first as IBS, as does bowel cancer. One symptom of bowel cancer is rapidly changing bowel habits, but this is also typical of IBS. There is no specific test for IBS. The condition is so common that GP’s will often look for other significant signs before they refer patients for further tests.
The discovery that Resolution Magic would also work for IBS was an important milestone in the Resolution Magic story. The day I discovered the IBS link was one of the most important days in my life:-
I could have fallen off my seat. There it was, right in front of me, the answer to a question I had been asking for years. Ever since I had discovered that there was a way to become migraine-free I had wondered if I could ever find a way to solve the problem of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
Just by chance, in November 2005, I came across a book about common medical conditions. Leafing through the book, I noticed a chapter on IBS, and as a long-term sufferer, I wondered if I would be able to discover something I didn’t already know. Half way down the first page I came across the words,
“IBS begins with a wave of neurological activity…”
I was amazed and excited. I couldn’t wait for the next time my IBS would begin, so that I could try out my Resolution Magic technique on this reaction.
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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.
Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.