Light Sensitivity
Light sensitivity can appear with a migraine aura, but it is also very common right through a migraine attack. As if the headache and nausea weren’t bad enough!
Sensitivity to light may be your very first step in the sequence that leads to a migraine attack. You can work on it as soon as it appears and perhaps avoid a migraine attack.
You may have used Resolution Magic to reduce all of your symptoms of migraine, and find you are left with this one remaining symptom – light sensitivity. On the other hand, you may suffer from this symptom, all on its own.
Whatever the circumstances of your light-sensitivity, you will know that you have this symptom, because you wear sunglasses on a cloudy day, or even indoors.
Of course, it is a good thing to wear sunglasses outdoors (or in a car) on a sunny day.
read Tina’s case study – light sensitivity
Sound sensitivity
As migraine gradually reduces while people are using Resolution Magic, they do become aware of other strange symptoms. Tolerance to sound is one of these.
I speak with clients on a weekly basis when they first begin the Resolution Magic Programme. Many symptoms are identified while we talk about everyday events. Recently, Sarah had been asked by her family to join them on a trip to see a show, but Sarah didn’t like going to the theatre.
At home, Sarah didn’t enjoy listening to a beautiful choir or watching a music programme on television. Somehow, she felt ‘uncomfortable’.
I asked Sarah how she had felt, the last time she had been to a theatre. Sarah couldn’t remember the last time, but she could remember going to a school concert, and sitting right at the back of the hall, just in case she wanted to leave. I asked her if she had managed to stay all the way through the show. Sarah thought for a while, and then she remembered that she did leave for a short while, while a school band was playing. ‘How did you feel, just before you left?’ I asked.
‘My ears actually hurt’, she replied, now remembering how they physically hurt, and it wasn’t because she had disliked the music.
At first, Sarah didn’t want to work on her sound sensitivity. She was worried in case her ears would be damaged by normal sound. She reasoned to herself that if this were the case, everyone else would be damaging their ears too, so she decided to give it a try.
Sarah began to work on her sound sensitivity with half-minute active sessions, while listening to music. She began with her normal ‘low’ level and then gradually increased the volume of sound.
After doing this once a day for a week, Sarah found that the volume she could comfortably tolerate was increasing all of the time. Sarah discovered how wonderfully enjoyable music could be. And when she was next asked if she would like to go to a show, she said, ‘Yes’ without any hesitation.
Touch sensitivity – Allodynia (and a host of other medical names)
Allodynia is an unpleasant over-sensitivity to touch. Even the lightest touch seems to ‘hurt’ the skin. Often this type of symptom reduces while people are using Resolution Magic for the principal problem, but it can be worked on directly.
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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.
Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.