You may be wondering why I have included this in the list of symptoms. The fact is that the symptoms of M.E. respond to Resolution Magic because they are all caused by waves of neurological activity.
M.E. is a term given to a combination of symptoms, the predominant symptom being tiredness. M.E. sufferers often also have many other conditions and symptoms, like migraine, fibromyalgia, panic attacks, depression, or S.A.D. (seasonally affected disorder).
Fibromyalgia, and varying types and degrees of pain are usually, but not always, present. The pain can be a dull ache to a searing pain. It can also be accompanied by shooting or searing pain in limbs, or any part of the body.
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disclaimer: results may vary. Please consult your GP – Resolution Magic can work along-side regular medicine.
Disclaimer: The book does not, and cannot, provide individual medical advice, but rather is for general informational purposes only. My advice is not intended to be a substitute for individualized medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by a qualified professional who is aware of your medical history and has had an opportunity to examine you.