30th March
SW London
This workshop is suitable for anyone coping with any form of backache. The workshop describes how to do the mental-exercises and techniques of ‘Resolution Magic’ to gradually reduce your back pain until after a while, quite often, it completely disappears. Discover how to keep it away!
An Introduction to Resolution Magic – An overview of this 3-part programme:
- The first part works on the nervous system and reduces neurological (nervous) activity which, according to ‘The Theory of Neurological Wave Syndrome’ is the cause of almost all physical and psychological symptoms.
- The second part deals with reducing everyday anxiety which increases neurological activity.
- The third part deals with changing the effects of past experiences which can also increase neurological activity.
Part 1: How to Reduce ‘Neurological Activity’ using a simple, ½-minute mental exercise
Relax while you listen to The Magic Carpet exercise. Practise the ‘Active Sessions’, these ½ minute mental exercises are to be repeated every 2-4 hours while you have pain. Watch a video on how to keep a chart.
Part 2: How to Reduce Everyday Anxiety in 6 seconds a day
How to reduce unwanted feelings like procrastination, fear, frustration, irritability, over-sensitivity and worry. Practise the 3-second mental routine that gradually stops unwanted feelings.
Part 3: How to Change the Effects of Past Experiences in 1 minute
Discover how past experiences continue to influence you for the rest of your life, even when you no longer think about them. Learn simple 1-minute techniques to work on these memories (without obliterating them) so that they no longer have any effect on you in the present day. This is an amazingly fun way to deal with past events so that they no longer contribute to your symptoms.
Village Hall location
Cost £75 includes refreshments on arrival and at morning break.
Payment will be required 4 weeks before the event.
In the first instance, please register your interest.
Let me know if you are watching out for a course nearer to you!